Current Work

In 2022, Filipino Futures selected its inaugural class of three students in the Philippines. One student was completing the equivalent of high school while the other two had graduated from high school and had been working for several years. All three students spent significant time within orphanages and faced difficult hurdles to pursuing post-secondary education.

In 2023, our students made great strides in their academic careers. One student is continuing nursing school which she had started before she had to quit to begin working. Another student enrolled in a public college where she is pushing herself academically, physically, and socially. Our third student began classes at a top university where he is studying psychology and plans to attend law school after graduation.

In 2024, our students have been able to continue their schooling with great success and are beginning to engage in practical work within their programs and plan for their future careers. 

The leadership team meets by phone or video with the students regularly and we hold board meetings monthly to keep updated about the students, manage the budget, and plan for the future. We are excited about what our students have been able to achieve!